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Silly Season or Not!

Growing up I always wondered why adults called this time of the year, "the silly season". I soon realised why...its a busy time for many and a very stressful time as well. Stores decorate earlier each year, to get you in the spirit of spending. Yes I said spending!

We forget to enjoy the excitement and build up to Christmas. Maybe we need to take a step back and learn and observe our kids during this period, enjoy the holidays with them, rather than complain.

We need to take the silly out of Christmas and just leave Christ instead, the way it was intended. Be thankful and grateful for your family or blessings, as there is always somebody worse off than you.

So tonight share a hug or phone call with the people you love, and spread the love of Christmas and remember to celebrate Jesus by being kind, loving and caring.

Take Care

Feliz Natal...Merry Christmas!

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